just something
when i was just a little boy, my father used to tell me, "you always roll around when you sleep." he wanted me to sleep in the middle of the bed or else i would roll off.
i grew up thinking that i roll in my sleep. so when my maid asked me to go take a nap and i didn't want to, i would pretend to sleep by lying on the bed and rolling around violently with my eyes closed.
and then i would 'wake up' and say that i've finished sleeping.
i think i only discovered that people don't roll when i was like 4 years old.
now playing
x'mas girl - vanilla sky
muzikx lolx hehe
music for every occasion. i'm plugged in to my mp3 player most of the time when i'm out. first sign of an anti-social. but i rather listen to music than bus engines, or that irritating bitch talking to her equally irritating friend.
for early mornings - atreyu
when you feel sleepy - the cardigans
when you feel like crying - bright eyes
for noise - a7x
music to dance to - franz ferdinand
for all those drunken nights - tiger army
for the gloomy days - afi
when in the mood for love - the cure
now playing
ever and a day - afi
i have nothing to do while waiting for the next match to start at 3, so i shall do a little review on england's performance, since i just watched them in action a while ago.
there has been a lot of talk that this england team is the strongest they've had in decades, and that 2006 will be their year to win the world cup. more hype was thrown into the mix when it was announced that current coach and media favourite sven-goran eriksson would be replaced after the world cup. a 'new-and-improved' sven supposedly ditched his negative tactics and instead will go for broke, since he has nothing to lose.
as the saying goes, hype serves only to dissappoint. engerlund has been mediocre at best. on paper, their team is fearsome. on the field, they are laughable.
sven obviously have not ditched his bore-tactics, which would only serve to put opponents to sleep. today, he chose a 5-man midfield, which is widely agreed to be the best formation for the team. but instead of allowing lampard and gerrard to run at the defence, svennis opted for the long ball to be played directly to rooney, bypassing their strongest point, the midfield.
engerlund have previously shown their ability to play football, rather than just kick a ball, during the first half against sweden. sven obviously prefers simple kicking.
a further show of his negative tactics was when he prepared to bring on carrager, a defender, when engerlund were only leading 1-0 after about an hour. he was content to defend his lead, rather than extend it.
several individual performances were also questionable.
paul robinson - flapped at crosses in the past few matches, fortunate that opponents didn't profit.
owen 'hazza' hargreaves - he runs with his hands in a fist. weirdo.
david beckham - wandering around central midfield when his position is on the right. reluctance to dribble, instead opting for 50-yard crosses to nowhere.
joe cole - cuts infield every time he gets the ball, instead of bringing it out to the flanks.
frank lampard - shoots at every opportunity, hasn't scored a goal. wastes possession with his stupidity. severe negativity in ball distribution. passes the ball backwards all the time, and when he can't pass backwards, he passes sidewards. this is not rugby.
oh, it's 3am now. time for more football.
now playing
the missing frame - afi
eternity is nothing
i've always enjoyed looking through random friendster accounts and reading the testimonials to satisfy the vouyer in me. one of the more LOL-inducing ones i see are the proclamations of love.
"i will be by your side always, darling."
"i love you for ever and ever and ever."
they all focus on an apparently eternally undying love towards their partners. and then in a few weeks/months, i return only to see their love proclamations being imposed on yet another partner.
the point i'm trying to make here is that nothing is forever, and we should not kid ourselves into believing otherwise.
these 'kids' should know that their current object of affection is only temporary and it will change with time. there is a certain hypocrisy in falling in love (i'm not discounting their ability to love) with peter and telling him you love him for ever, and then breaking up and moving on to john and telling him the exact same thing, only for the cycle to repeat itself.
first, she lied to peter, and then john, and then whoever is next in line. don't they ever learn? i understand that being in love is a splendid thing, but promising eternal love to each and every one of your partners is a little unnecessary.
they are blatantly lying to the ones they apparently love, and they do it time and again. some kind of love that is.
instead, learn to say "i love you for as long as our love would last." this is much better for several reasons. for one, you are not actually lying to your dearly beloved, since there is no promise of eternity, which leads to the second reason which is that jilted lovers would not have a valid reason to murder you.
when she's coming after you with a knife, calling you a bastard for dumping her after saying you'll love her, you can remind her that you didn't promise to love her for ever, after which she would probably turn the knife upon herself.
so kids, stop kidding yourselves and your darlings, and stop giving empty promises of eternal love, only to get a new darling within 2 weeks. then i would have one less reason to laugh at you.
now playing
love like winter - afi
bad shit
i'm suffering from my first real hangover now. it's not my first time, but my past ones were all gay shitz that were over in an hour. this one though, has been raging since 8 this morning.
i've tried all kinds of ways to fix this one, but nothing works. i've eaten 2 packets of instant noodles, biscuits, drank too much water, coffee, 7up, everything that is supposed to work but isin't.
i'm not eating any panadol because i have an adverse feeling towards medication. i think it harms more than helps.
anyway i was playing with a stray cat yesterday. i also told a group of girls that the cat will bite them after they tried to fondle my pussy. fucking bitches.

and a few days ago, i saw this big ass motherfucker outside my lift.

that shit is really big, considering there are only potted plants around. somehow it managed to eat enough crap from the pots to get that big. notice my cool $3 bata slippers.
now playing
lovefool - the cardigans
you can't dislike an indian, because it's RACIST
one of the better things i remembered from secondary school life was satish. what about satish, i shall not elaborate much.
"why does everyone dislike you so much?" i asked him one day.
"that's because all of them are RACIST!" he said.
i laughed at him for a moment for his sheer stupidity, which drew a look of disgust from him.
he doesn't get the point. things will be the same even if he was blue or purple, chinese or malay. the problem lies with him, not his race.
his stupidity as portrayed above is the reason we dislike him.
i think racial harmony will never truely happen, as long as people continue giving different treatment to different races. in america, you can't beat up a black man because it's a 'hate crime', and you can get into a lot of trouble over it.
i understand that the law is made to protect them, but it's also creating racial separation, since it is not considered a hate crime if a white man gets beaten up.
if i dislike a member of a minority race, i'm a racist, but it's alright if one of them dislikes me.
i love satish.
now playing
blue and yellow - the used
the randoms
1. many people have some bad spelling issues.
"he's girlfriend is sucking you're cock."
notice anything wrong with that sentence? if you don't, then something's wrong with your spelling too. an unsimplified version of the sentence would read
"he is girlfriend is sucking you are cock."
because 'he's' means 'he is', and 'you're' means 'you are'.
the correct way should be
"his girlfriend is sucking your cock."
this is very important. if you don't know how to use abbreviations, then don't.
2. i'm watching the world cup through indonesian tv.
i realised it's indonesian after some drink advertisements showed the prices in rupiah. a quick check showed that SCTV is indeed an indonesian channel.
i'm wondering how the heck my maid's tv's mega antenna manages to get indonesian channels but not malaysian ones. and i retract all my previous statements about malaysians being generous and such.
instead, i transfer the above praise to the indonesians.
now playing
the killing lights - afi
emo is one step below transexual
it seems that emo is at it's peak now. more and more teens are claiming to be 'emo', much like when they said they were 'punk' and 'goth' a few years back when it was still in fashion.
actually i can see why emo's so popular now. punk teaches kids to be angry and rebel, and goth teaches them to be sad and kill themselves. but these are the extreme ends of the spectrum.
kids are pussies. they don't wanna rebel and they don't wanna kill themselves. so they take a bit from each to create EMO!
now they can be angry and sad, and they don't have to kill anyone. they just cry.
anyway as i was saying, more kids are becoming emo. the thing is, you can't become emo, just like you can't become punk, or become goth. you can only become a fucking idiot.
you can't become emo, you can only be emo. some dress like fools and think it makes them emo, but it only makes them look like fools.
i eagerly await the next trend.
i don't trust doctors anymore
2 weeks ago, i fell and fractured my arm. i know because i went to the hospital and did an x-ray and the doctor said "there is a slight fracture." she also asked me if i fractured my arm before, and i told her it was the other one.
today, i went back to do more stuff to it.
first, i waited for my turn. after about 15 minutes, it was me. i walked into the room and was immediately sent away to have my splint removed.
so i went there and waited for 5 minutes, then i went in and sat on a bed for another 5 minutes. a nurse came and cut away the stuff, and i waited again for a doctor to look at me.
he came, took a look, and went away for yet another 5 minutes, after which he returned with another doctor, who i think is a noob. the noob and pro looked at me for another moment and made their diagnosis before disappearing and talking among themselves.
he said the records show i fractured my arm before, and i told him it was the other one.
by now, i've been sitting on that bed for about 15 minutes. another 5 minutes later, a cute nurse came and asked me to sit on a chair so that someone else can use the bed. so i sat on the chair for another while, before a nurse came and told me to go somewhere else to fix my arm.
great stuff, considering the whole process could be done in 5 minutes, minus all the chatter and unnecessary waiting. now we know why there is always such a long wait.
so so so i went to the other place to fix my poor arm. the new doctor asked me if i fractured my arm before, and i said yes. then she said that my current problem is caused by my old fracture, because i didn't go for therapy.
then i told her it's the other arm, and she said "oh, ok." another pro doctor came and asked me where is the fracture, and i told him it was the lower bone, but he said that i broke both bones in my arm. he then went to check with the previous doctor, and came to the conclusion that it's only a strain.
then the doctor made me a brace covering only my forearm, although the previous one said that my elbow should be immobilised, for some reason yet unknown.
in conclusion, i've had 4 different diagnosis from 4 doctors, 2 different treatment methods, and waited aimlessly while the doctors had some friendly conversation. this is fun. and i just wasted your time.
the dumb shits that no one should ever say
1. by the skin of your teeth
i once had a teacher that absolutely loved this phrase. she used it all the time, in all kinds of situations.
"you only passed by the skin of your teeth."
"many people only scraped through by the skin of their teeth."
"i scraped the skin off your teeth."
a reason why this phrase is so incredibly stupid, is because THERE IS NO FUCKING SKIN ON ANY TEETH. no skin. nothing. maybe some accumulated food from last night's dinner, but no skin. unless i ate chicken skin.
so since there is no skin, how can a person 'pass by the skin of their teeth?' in order for it to be true, the phrase should mean that you didn't pass instead of barely passed.
2. to each his own opinion
this one really pisses me off every time i hear it.
"hey, my dick is bigger than yours."
"no it isin't."
"to each his own opinion."
FUCKING HELL, OF COURSE I KNOW THAT. it is so fucking irritating to hear such a stupid comment. the person is basically telling you "oh, you can think whatever you want, but i'm still right, BECAUSE YOUR OPINION IS WRONG AND MY OPINION IS RIGHT!"
ARGH FUCK OFF, retard.
3. i actually thought of another one, but i got so pissed off while writing number 2 that i forgot about it.
now playing
just like heaven (the cure cover) - string quartet
i win
i discovered my maid's tv has malaysian channels, and malaysian channels are mucho generous and show world cup matches, unlike our dearest stingy mediacorp.
so the fever is on!
just watched korea stage a not-so-remarkable comeback against togo.
i only hear cheers from the coffeeshop downstairs about 3 seconds after a goal is scored, so either their tv is lagging or their drunken brains take some time to process the information. or maybe that's just how long it takes for the sound to travel up here...
so now the whole world is suffering from world cup fever, and i'm glad to say that i'm totally completely fine. 37 degrees, no fever at all.
that's because i don't have fucking cable tv, and channel 5 is too kind not to show the world cup on tv, in case more people fall sick.
so i'm incredibly thankful as everyone else is enjoying their large, unhealthy dose of football while i can only settle for blogging about not getting to watch any.
now playing
love like winter - afi
im a drunk transexual
i'm watching singapore idol now, the girl's something. whatever it's called.
it's the 4th contestant already, and it seems like they all like to sing with a deep deep, slurring voice, probably to show a 'powerful' voice, but end up sounding like a bunch of drunk transexuals.
people should try and be more normal.
now playing
just like heaven (the cure cover) - dinosaur jr.
yes indeed
i ate just about the most yummy shit ever a while ago. i was hungry and went searching around the cupboard for some edibles. there were many cans of tuna, so i decided to eat tuna.
i thought that tuna should be chilled, so i poped it in the freezer. after a long time, i went to get it out. i opened the can and took a bite with the little plastic spoon provided.
it tasted bad, so i thought it would be wise to pour some baileys into it, which i did. i took another bite, and realised that there was a lot of oil inside the can, which have since been mixed with the baileys into a really scary mess.
then an ingenious idea popped out. i dumped the oil-baileys mix out, and went to boil some water to make half-boiled eggs. i thought the eggs would taste good with tuna.
so i waited and waited as the eggs cooked, and when they were done, i cracked them open into a bowl, and added soya sauce, pepper, and of course, tuna.
i stirred the bowl of stuff around, and took a bite. then i took a plastic bag, dumped the contents into it, tied it up, and threw it into the rubbish bin.
i'm eating koko krunch now.
now playing
just like heaven (the cure cover) - gatsby's american dream
it has been almost 2 years since i bought my first afi album, sing the sorrow. today, the new album is finally out (although they were already available yesterday).
all hail decemberunderground.
and i should be studying now.
it was raining very heavily just now, after i bought the album. i thought the world might be ending, since today's supposed to be the day of the devil and all that. the supposed 'actual' number of 616 has passed quite smoothly, so today is the last chance until june 6, 3006. maybe he's waiting for the year 2666.
or june 6, 6666.
anyway i was camping outside a building just now because of the rain. it poured cats and dogs for eternity, and then it stopped and poured pussies and penises instead.
i decided to make a dash when the rain seemed to get a little smaller. much to my comfort, i got soaked to fuckness. when i reached the bus stop, the rain stopped. and i froze my way home in the bus.
i really want to catch lady luck and fuck her ass as a sign of my gratitude.
now playing
affliction - afi
i'm a leftie in training
so i was out yesterday. i was trying to be superman, after seeing the cool trailers on tv. i thought everyone could fly, thanks to those stupid misleading superman trailers and x-men movies.
i thought if i wasn't born on krypton, i could at least have some mutant powers.
i tried to fly. 3 tries, i only landed once. the other 2, i landed on the floor, on my right arm.
it went like ouch! yay! ouch! fall, land, fall.
2 nice falls on my arm, and i knew that it was fractured, because my left arm suffered a similar fate some years back.
being the ever-dedicated superman, i continued with my flying practise for another 3 hours before going home.
since it wasn't really painful, i thought i could go get it fixed only on wednesday, when most of my exams are over, because i'm a dedicated student too (i'm dedicated at everything i do). but my mother insisted i go, so off to NUH's accident and emergency ward i went this morning.
anyway it was starting to hurt, so i had no objections. so now i've got a pretty cast on my arm, and i've gotta return some time later so that they can change it to a fiberglass one.
in the meantime, i'm a leftie in training. i've chaged my mouse configurations to left-handed, and i basically do everything with my left hand, while my over-worked right gets a well-deserved rest. and i'm gonna continue flying practice.
now playing
just like heaven (the cure cover) - gatsby's american dream
we were doing presentations today and there was this girl who said 'actually' more than 30 times. i know because i counted. i actually started like 5 minutes into her presentation and actually counted 35 'actuallys', so i suppose the real amount is actually closer to 50.
and she actually pronounced 'actually' as 'acherly' because you know, singlish style. does anyone acherly know how damn irritating is it to acherly hear close to 2 'acherlys' in each sentence? i do, and it's acherly more irritating than reading my 'acherlys'.
so anyway i was telling my group mate about it, and he was like "lol ya lol lol." and it was our turn to present next. i acherly counted him saying 16 'acherlys' in his part. great fun.
and then there was this last group. LAST GROUP! I WANT TO GO HOME! each group was supposed to present for 20 minutes. the first girl did more than 20 minutes on her own. I WANT TO GO HOME, IDIOT.
her voice was gnawing away at my brain, destroying my brain cells one by one. and she was talking so damn fucking sloooowly. so i snapped and gave her a big karate kick which broke her spine into 2.
acherly i just poked my fingers into my ears and pretended that i was resting my head on my hands so that she would not feel sad. but her voice was still filtering through! fucking hell. so i started wiggling my fingers in my ears, which made some random noises to cover her long speech.
i think i should have just kicked her.
moral of the story:
don't say acherly, and don't act like a fucking retard and speak sloooowly for 20 minutes when everyone else wants to go home and when obviously no one is listening.