2003 dead, more to go
i read in the news not too long ago, that the 2003th american soldier died fighting in the middle east. about 3000 people died back then when the world trade centre got hit. and as a result, america (bush) went to war and successfully killed another two-thirds of the number of dead.
that's kinda stupid ain't it?
anyway i got a new phone. i'm not gonna post a picture of it. instead, here's a picture of my new and sexy and gayly light blue zen micro.

oh yes, go visit cockeyed.com. it's the coolest and most interesting site i've seen in a long long long (yes, very long) time.
i got something to do (finally)
how can anyone not love alkaline trio? great combination of sweet sounding music and evil lyrics. add a satanist singer and everything is fine.
"why is it that you had to say goodbye in your special way? you slashed the tires on my car."
- stupid kid
"waking up next to nothing, after dreaming of you and me, i'm waking up all alone, waking up so relieved."
- radio
"i wish you would take my radio to bathe with you, plugged in and ready to fall."
- radio
"and although it's all my fault, the blaming myself had to come to an end. so i say: fuck you aurora, you took my only friend."
- fuck you aurora
"they said everything would work out just fine, they said you'd help me. but as it turns out it was all a lie, and they're off someplace far away laughing at me."
- hell yes
"you told me that the daylight burned you and that the sunrise was enough to kill you. i said maybe you're a vampire. you said it's quite possible, i feel truly dead inside."
- trouble breathing
"never had a drink that i didn't like. got a taste of you, threw up all night."
- crawl
i needed something to do.
it's back
i got back my zen micro yesterday. the person said it was ready since 19 september or something. they were supposed to call me 'after 3 weeks'. they didn't and i didn't bother as well.
anyway, i had to re-tag all my files. which made me a happy man, since it took 4 hours to do. now i still have to rip the rest of my cds and make new playlists.
at least i got it back. music shall accompany me to the ends of the earth henceforth.
oh, they gave me a newer version. the whole player glows when i use it, instead of just the screen and the buttons. hope it doesn't crash like rozales'.
and it's the last week of my holidays. i need to start having fun before it's all over.
i feel damn sad for pakistan
no one wants to help them. it's like "pakistan needs help? don't ask me." the sad sad survivors are still living in shit-land of rotting corpses and soon-to-be rotting corpses.this is how the middle eastern people hate them rich western cunts.earthquakes are hitting like once every 2 hours and hurricanes zoom around america once every 2 minutes (i am exaggerating. badly). the world is going to end soon.even the fucking birds are hitting back at us for killing them for like the past 20,000 years. monkeys gave us aids. birds are gonna destroy us with their flu. mad cows mess spread diseases to us and mess with our brains. sooner or later fishes are gonna get some super-powers too.the world is gonna end soon. stop making plans for that nice holiday next year. heck, stop planning for next month even. we're all going to die.better start fulfilling all your wishes before you die, bitches.10 things i want to do before i die1. have a 3-day sex marathon with her2.actually that's the only wish i got. damn.somehow you should realise i'm only kidding.
i forgot that i went out on monday. which means that i'm no where near breaking my record. damn.
5 days, 5 days more
i'm bored and i don't want to do anything to change that.
it's been 5 days since i stepped out of the house. all the rain and cold weather makes me lethargic. sleepy enough to not want to do anything, but not sleepy enough to actually fall asleep. living in a state of non-activity.
another 5 more days and i would equal my all-time record of staying at home. that was way back in november 2002.
12 to 12
for the past 2 weeks i've been sleeping for at least 12 hours every day. from 12am to 12pm. then just bum around the house for the rest of the day, reading steve's archives and watching american pie.
i've been feeling really lazy these days. i'm not even sleeping at 3am anymore. by 12 i'm already falling asleep.
it's been long since i've spent so long in such a life-less state. the last time i had so much time was way back before school started. but i don't have much time left. holidays are over in 2 weeks.
now i'm thinking if i should continue my lifeless-ness or if i should go out make the best of the remaining time. currently i'm leaning more towards this life-less living.
ah, 2 weeks more before i start missing the holidays.
haha, bitch!
there was once a juggler. he claimed to be the best at juggling. balls, pieces of shit, whatever. he could do it all. one day a man told him "i bet you couldn't juggle these balls a million times without dropping any."
the juggler was angry and was determined to prove the man wrong. so he set about doing it. but one million was a large number, and he had to even resort to juggling while shitting. most of the time he got close but fell asleep and had to start over again.
it was painful, torturous even, but he finally managed it after 3 long years. he met up with the man again. "haha, bitch! i did it. lick my balls!"
"really?" the man said. "it took you 3 years. was it worth it?"
the juggler then realised how stupid he had been, wasting 3 years of his life on such a meaningless thing and so killed himself.
the moral of the story is that there comes a time when everyone should realise that the things we fret over are mostly not worth giving a damn about. this time should of course come early rather then after, unlike what happened to the juggler. at least no extra effort is wasted.
so if you're getting stressed out over something, ask yourself if it's worth it. most of the time the answer would be no. even if you think otherwise, the answer is still no. so stop worrying.
anything is fun
i like to sit with my legs crossed and cut off blood circulation to my leg so that my foot becomes completely numb. then i fondle my numb foot for a while and tickle my sole and be amazed that i don't feel anything. sometimes i bend my toes but i get worried that i may break them unknowingly.
then i try to wiggle my toes and fail miserably. i think that's what it feels like when you're paralysed.
when i decide that i've fondled my foot enough, i get up and go for a walk. it feels like i'm walking on something soft. i have to be extra careful in case i roll my toes in and break them.
once the circulation returns, the foot would start cramping up. it hurts when i touch it. and i like to jump around on that foot. sometimes i punch it and immediately regret doing it cause it hurts. then i punch it again.
anything is fun when you're bored.
blind cunts
it's only been a few days and assron already asked me if i was really trying to deep throat the banana. don't anyone read properly anymore?
"many people will not realise that i'm only kidding and henceforth think i have gay tendencies."
- me
my father came back from china and it seems he has taken a liking to diet coke. coke lite or whatever it is. it's healthier and shit, since it's supposed to have ZERO calories. they use artificial sugar and stuff.
and it tastes like artificial coke as well. god ain't so kind to let us have both nice-tasting coke and good health. think we're supposed to sacrifice our health in order to drink good shit.
i drank some yesterday and thought it tasted like fish tank water. and i subsequently vowed never to touch that vile shit again. then this morning i got thirsty and drank some more.
then i went to skate and came home to find 2 cartons of coke lite with lemon. and i drank another 2 cans of that vile shit. actually i thought it didn't taste as bad probably because of the lemon. maybe lemon and fish tank water would be relatively nice tasting...
anyway now there's a weird artificially sweet taste in my mouth which is actually rather freaking disgusting. damn, shit can never be good tasting and good for health at the same time.
i was so bored that i tried to deep-throat a banana and got caught by my maid while doing it. she told me that i should relax my throat muscles for it to work. i did that and still only half the banana went in (it's a big banana). guess my dick sucking skillz aren't exactly good.
many people will not realise that i'm only kidding and henceforth think i have gay tendencies.

ouch. road and skin are not friendly towards each other. that was saturday. now there's a flat scab on that part of my hand which is supposed to be rounded.
wow so you know?
as you all should know by now, bali got bombed again some time this past week. if you didn't know that, go read some old newspapers and then kill yourself for being so stupid.
anyway, i was watching channel news asia the day the place was bombed. i think it was saturday night. they were saying the bombings didn't come as a surprise since indonesian terrorism experts had already recieved many reports about it and whatever else.
so does anyone else see what's wrong with this? if the terror expert fuckers already expected a bombing, why didn't they raise some alarm? then at least something could have been done. it's so incredibly stupid that it makes the girl from yesterday seem somewhat intelligent.
actually i think they just claimed that they were expecting something so that they would not appear to be a bunch of useless cunts. "haha, i knew it," appears more competant than "the bombings came as a complete shock to us," you know? anyone can say that after something happens. just wonder why they didn't say that before the shit.
i am forever cursed
there have been countless random idiots adding me on msn, especially people from brazil who speak to me in portugese.
then there was this girl. her nick was "LUvv roxxx or suxx leh???w@t t0 duuu??? wilbur n cyndi roxx loxxxxxx.......school........ sux.......sianxxxxxxxx leh......" that on its own is enough to tell anyone that she is a fucking retard.
i was bored and decided to chat with her.
me: who are you?
she: i am a gurl hu juzzzz any how add u......
she: dun be angry
me: and?
she: y?
me: i think you're stupid
she: y?????????
me: cos you added me
me: and i have no idea who you are
she: soooooo.........???????????
me: so you're stupid
me: VERY stupid
she: sooooooooooo,,,,,,,,,,,
me: so you should die
she: hehe
she: like real.........
me: yes it's real
she: not all ppl hu r stupid should die ma.
she: rite?????????
me: but you sure as hell should die
she: but i dun believe soooooooo
she: as like uuuuuuuuu
me: so try it and see how it feels
me: see the window? open it and jump out
she: how?????????
she: k
me: then later tell me if you should die or not
she: erm..........
she: i dun c the window
she: sorrie
she: haha
me: oh
me: so you're like stupid and blind?
she: erm..........
me: yes?
she: should i tell u?????
she: no rite?
she: ten?
me: why not
me: just go kill yourself k?
she: must i realie????????????
me: make life easier for innocent people like me
me: who you stupidly add on msn
me: okok?
she: k lah
she: bye
me: go die
ah, a nice relif from my boredom. any entertainment is good entertainment when you're bored. many people are going to hate on me for doing such a thing on an innocent girl like her. but i was bored and she was stupid. so it's not my fault really.
unlawful use of the word 'punk' shall be met with immediate death
yes indeed. i have witnessed too many cases of random idiots thinking anyone who has spiked hair/wears tight pants/retarded outfits is a punk. so if you haven't realised, wearing retarded outfits and tight pants and having spiked hair does NOT make someone a punk.
besides, punk is dead. no thanks to these random idiots. and being a punk is not cool and not something to be proud of. if you think you may be a punk, go kill yourself and don't tell anyone about it.
anyone who lables themselves as punk should eat my balls. same goes for anyone who lables another person as punk. unless they are referring to the sex pistols or the dead kennedys, they are required by law to eat my balls or face immediate death.
the last punk i met decided to die rather than eat my balls. i felt sad for it. eating my balls ain't that bad, you know? fancy being all hardcore and not being able to eat my balls. what a pussy.
anyway i am not willing to sacrificing my balls. but something has to be done about this punk shit. i am just being noble.