shocking shocks shocked me
"EARTHQUAKE!!!" and everybody is worried of a tsunami. all thanks to the great waves of december 26. someone must really hate indonesia. 2 earthquakes in 3 months, both of which qualifies in the top 8 strongest earthquakes in the past century. before this, people were only afraid of getting squashed by their houses. now they all have something else to worry about. aparrently, my mother felt her chair shaking the day of the second earthquake. and she thought it was a ghost. i think i would have thought so too. but i was sleeping. and i didn't feel anything.
yesterday, i opened the door for a venture out into the open known as my living room. i was shocked by the sudden appearance of a little girl stepping out of the toilet. at first i thought it was a zombie, like the one in white from dawn of the dead. then i thought it was a ghost, since it seemed unaware of my presence. "what the fuck?" i thought. i watched as she entered my sister's room to join her sister. and i remembered. she was the little girl sitting on the sofa one night, the girl who nearly got hit by a ball i was about to throw, until i realised she wasn't my sister.
yeah, it's scary. the girl is human by the way. my house always seems to be overrun with some form of outsiders. like that little girl. or some of my maid's motor-mouthed friends. some day, a robber is going to enter my house and be mistaken for one of my maid's friends.
i once read that people love babies because they are unable to tell these people that the feeling is not mutual. and they imagine that the babies like them just as much. it's all one-sided love. like imgining the comatose woman loves you just because you like her, and she's unable to tell you to stop fondling her breasts.
i see babies as breathing and screaming dolls. they have no mental capabilities, except to cry when hungry. they can't tell you to fuck off when you poke their red little faces. or tell you that you have bad body odour when you pick them up. and because of this, people love them.
i once decided not to have children in the future. mebe it's because this world is too fucked up. or i was worried that my descendants would have to face the end of the world. i dunno. then i realised that since the time of the ameobas, a certain ameoba decided to split itself into 2. and after millions of years, a certain dinosaur decided not to eat another and mated with it instead. more millions of years later, a monkey gave birth to her child. then some caveman clubbed a sabre-toothed tiger to feed his pregnant wife. mister caveman's descendants decided to move out of africa to china. then through all the dynasties, the caveman's descendants lived, until it came to my grandparents and great-grandparents, who hopped onto a ship to sail for singapore.
and then, there was me. in some way, the amoeba, dinosaur, monkey and caveman are all related to me. and for some reason, each one of the millions of animals managed to get a fuck and gave birth before they died. i would not be around if the dinosaur decided to eat its mate. or if the caveman decided to club his wife instead. but i am. which is a miracle. so i think i want to have children. then maybe some day, my descendants would turn into dinosaurs again. or amoebas.
this post is pointless
rossli, known as fuck fuck, must really hate himself. if you vistit his blog, you'll discover that he hates
1) people who think that they are always right
2) people who can't shut up (and think that they are always right)
3) people who self-praise and boast
4) people who insults others without looking at the mirror
5) people who have narrow-minds
6) people who are irritatingly lame
7) people who are trying to be funny
8) people who think that they're good looking, WHEN THEY ARE NOT!
of course, he doesn't realise that all of the shit he writes about others can be reapplied back to him. i have not pointed this out yet, since i was worried that it would destroy his tiny bit of self-confidence he claims to own. anyway, he thinks he's actually being the 'nice guy' by keeping quiet in front of people, then going back to the safety of his home and blogging shit about others.
since he MAY not know that what he's doing, i shall now take the role of the 'nice guy', and hopefully put him is his place.
let's see...
1/2) rossli thinks that he is always right, which is why he refuses to listen to others' explaniations.
eg1. at far east plaza, he saw a pair of nike delta forces in a shop. "those are skate shoes you know?" he told me. i know my shoes. and i knew that those were not skate shoes, although there are modified delta forces sold under nike skateboarding. those shoes there did not have stuffed tongues, and the only nike skate shoes that MAY come with an unstuffed tongue is the dunk. so i told him no. and he said "yeeeess lah, if you don't believe me, there is nothing i can do."
wait a minute. why the fuck should i believe you when i KNOW i'm right? besides, rossli is not reknowned for getting things right most of the time. in fact, it is largely the opposite. he may as well say "whoo, the world is gonna end tomorrow, and if you don't believe me, there is nothing i can do." seriously, is there a difference? NOPE. too bad he is too deluded in his self-created mess to realise it.
eg 2. a few days ago, he, bin and i were skating. bin said "the posting results coming out on 23rd, thats wednesday," and rossli agreed with him. i KNEW that i was coming out on the 22nd, and i told them that. however, being rossli, he immediately and strongly disagreed with me, then saying "whatever lah." later on, bin recieved a phone call from his mother telling him that it was on tuesday, the 22nd.
lesson learnt: i KNOW i am right. and i will not argue for a lost cause. so next time before you come up with more random shit to spew from your mouth, remember this.
4/8) rossli thinks that he is good looking, WHEN HE IS NOT, and thus forgets to apply rule number 4 to himself.
eg. whenever i say someone (basically anyone) is ugly, rossli will say sarcarstically "so you think you look very nice ah?" in the meantime, he would go on and criticise other 'ugly people' from his school and elsewhere. while me, the nice guy, does not follow in his footsteps and ask him the same question he posed just minutes earlier.
in case you were wondering, rossli is in no way handsome. he should "go look in the mirror" and check out his oversized pudgy fuckface with saliva sticking from his top lip to his bottom lip, and teeth jutting out everywhere before making any further comment.
then one fine day at hmv, i told him that seal is ugly, and on came his usual reply. except this time, it was modified. he said "so you think you look nicer than him ah?" i was at that time sick and tired of hearing his needless hypocritical comments, so i simply said yes, since i was "not bothering and simply don't care," just as he says on his blog. guess what? he goes on to blog about it. and added a few wonderful comments about my looks. ho ha. go look in the mirror dude, check out your face. please.
thus, i conclude that rossli thinks that he is very handsome WHEN HE IS NOT, and so does not need to "look in the mirror before he insults others."
6/7) rossli is irritatingly lame and tries to be funny ALL THE TIME without realising it.
eg. this is hard. he's irritatingly lame and tries to be funny all the time. so much so that i really can't remember any of his feeble comments made. maybe i'll rewrite this when he gets "irritatingly lame and tries to be funny."
3/5) rossli self-praises and boasts without realising it because of his narrow mind. or is he just stupid?
he does not realise that by writing his '8 types of people i hate' post, he is actually trying to say that he does NONE of the above. that is basically self-appraisal, since no one has ever told him that he is not any of the above, and i do strongly believe that no one will EVER tell him that once they hang around him enough to discover his true qualities.
he is so fucking narrow-minded and deluded by his blog that he goes round talking shit about others without realising that he is basically the largest fuck-up of them all.
thus, i have strong reasons to believe that rossli hates himself, since he posseses all of the qualitites which he supposedly hates. anyway, who wouldn't hate themselves if they were a slobbering mess of lard, trying too hard to be cool? i dunno. he has to protect his aparrent not-low self esteem by putting down others on his blog while pretending that everything is fine and dandy when he's around them, thus also making him one big fucking hypocrite.
chees, byes, and 11 year-olds
msn chat of the century. thanks to chee.
chee : got any nice songs 2 intro
chee : doubt so
me : got
me : haligh, haligh, a lie, haligh - bright eyes
me : damn nice
chee : HAHA
chee : i oso got hoolalala-stupid loser
me : -_-
went to gramaphone yesterday. gramaphone is great. everyone should bycott hmv and their damn $40 cds and go to gramaphone instead, but that's if you can find it. was bummed that they didn't have dawn of the dead or any other zombie flicks for that matter. then i found and consequently bought dogtown and z-boys for only $12.90. and in case you were wondering, they sell both music cds and movies.
went to world of sports in cine and bought some éS (wow, i actually bothered to go into character map to find that é) SKATE shoes cos there was a sale. 50% is too damn good to miss. $79.50.
THEN, i got home, and discovered that my mom bought a zen micro for my sister, who is only 11, as stated in a previous post. $400 dollar fucking zen micro for a primary school student is too much. and it's not like she's done anything to deserve it. she's dumb, disobedient, and basically just a fuck-up.
by the way, i bought one a few weeks ago, with my own money. but 'my own money' was given to me by my mother, so it's debatable as to whether it should be called 'my own money' or 'money my mother gave me so now it's mine'. my dear little sister probably saw it, then thought "whoo, i want one too!" and proceeded to ask for one from my mother.
my mother would be stupid/loving/nah, she's stupid enough to actually even CONSIDER buying such a thing for her daughter. but she took it another step up and bought the fucking thing. great. actually she bought it for only $368, so it's quite a bit of a deal, but that's not the point.
she bought a weird mp3 player for herself as well. some brand that i've never heard of, and that thing has a radio, 256mb memory, and bluetooth, so she would be able to answer her calls with it, IF only she has a better phone. and the thing is a monster. it's so big that i thought it could be used as a club when you get attacked in the lift or something.
the greatest thing is, neither of them knows how to rip cds and upload the songs to their players. i do, but since i think it's fucking ridiculous to buy something like that for a person like my sister, and also that none of them has approached me for help, i'm not gonna do anything. of course, it also helps that creative are a stuck-up bunch of fools who do not include proper operating instructions with their products in hope of making the products seem very 'intuitive'.
so i'm kinda having a laugh now as both of them are only capable of using the radio function on their mp3 players. and my mother bought hers to replace her old walkman, which by the way, is much, much smaller than the new mp3 player of unknown origins. ooh yes, i'm evil.
although it may seem otherwise, i am NOT against the idea of my sister having an mp3 player. i'm just against the act of buying an EXPENSIVE mp3 player for someone the age of my sister. kids are not designed to accept expensive gifts. if my sister were older, everything would be fine. but she is only 11. when i was in primary 6, i was still playing pokemon on my big black gameboy, which i had had for several years beforehand. now my sister has heeleys, gameboy advance (wtf? she stopped playing it after the first week), handphone, and a $400 mp3 player.
oh, i just found out that the club-like mp3 player is called the BLUETOOTH PowBox, made by i.Tech Dynamic Ltd.
i made a mistake yesterday. the killer-guy visits 'the dead will rise' forum. i searched for that and came up with the 'all things zombie' forum, and consequently got deluded into believing that it was the one i was looking for.
and i just heard from the news that a guy got banged to death by an mrt train after he jumped on the track to pick up his shoe. what a smart guy. i love him.
zombies and me
been reading the all things zombie forum today. found out that there are actually crazy fucks who constantly imagine about what they're gonna do in case the place was suddenly infested with zombies. and i do that all the time too.
the new paper reported yesterday that the red indian teen who went on a shooting spree in his high school also frequented the forum and i went in for a look. maybe he was imagining that the people he shot were all zombies when he killed them. perhaps that makes me half a killer.
fortunately for all of you, i am not as interested in preserving my racial bloodline as he is. neither do i wear black trench coats and eyeliner nor think that hitler was a great leader. however, i DO hate most forms of rap music. MUSIC? rap is just a bunch of niggers talking shit about each other. music does not sound like that. fillipino maids talk way faster than the fastest rap 'musician' around. and they're not even trying. imagine the mayhem they would bring if they really decided to rap.
which is why i think all fillipino maids should die. they speak way too ffast for comfort. besides, their language sounds retarded and irritating. their brains must be working like supercomputers to process the shit they want to say in time for them to actually say it.
don't believe me? go to lucky plaza on a sunday and stand in a middle of a bunch of them. it won't be long before you start tearing your hair out. however, i am blessed with having a fillipino maid at home, so i don't have to go out searching for one. and i am lucky enough to be able to hear her yakking all day long at superfast speeds.
back on topic. go watch the remake of dawn of the dead. great movie. too bad i lost it when my computer decided to die and didn't resurrect itself. oh, i saw the director's cut version of it in some pirated dvd shop in china. i didn't try to buy it because it has violence, gore, sex and nudity, all in one, and i didn't think it would be a great idea to get my father to buy it.
when we got back here, i discovered that my sister bought the seed of chucky, which supposedly has masturbating dolls, nudity and sex, not to mention gore and violence. furthermore, it's a pirated edition from china, which would probably mean more uncensored violence, gore, sex and nudity. and my father bought it for my sister. who is only 11. great. maybe i should be less discreet in the future.
gay people and such
"you're such a strange girl, the way you look like you do."
the perfect girl - the cure
that was my nick on msn last night. and assron decided to message me.
ass - who's e strange girl
me - chio bu
me - with no eye
so she's strange
me - LOL
me - LOLLICKERS [written]
ass - WTF [written]
me - LOLLICKERS [written]
ass - . . . [written]
me - normal girls dont want me
so i go for abnormal
me - if you havent realised
im just bullshtiittinting
ass - im ignoring u...
me - yays
me - did u believe me for even an instant?
ass - u tok alot shit jus now
ass - i jus ignored
me - yays
me - go read it again
me - then tell me
me - im talking shit again
i shall stop
ass - dont make me block u...
me - i stopped
just in time
i hope...
in case you were wondering, i DID stop in time. so i win.
i've been chewing my lips unnaturally much these days. when i say chew my lips, i don't mean gay-dude-trying-to-act-cute type chew. i mean chew-till-a-chunk-falls-off-and-is-inevitably-swallowed-with-food type chew. interestingly, it doesn't hurt. just a little bit gross.
the tour guide told us a story about the most corrupt official in chinese history.
after his death, they discovered that he was 3 times richer than the second richest man, king louis the something, and equal to more than 10 years of total national income of china at that time. he believed that anything the emperor has, he had to have as well. he built a house bigger than the imperial palace and had many wives, including a nigger, a few whites and persians.
he was obsessed with bats, because the chinese pronounciation, 'fu', sounds like 'luck'. his house has carvings of bats everywhere. he even has a pond shaped like a bat, in which he filled with spring water he stole from the emperor, a crime already worthy of a death sentence.
he too was extremely free, and spent time thinking of idioms and different ways to bring wealth to himself. he planted trees around his bat-shaped pond, so that during autumn, the leaves would turn yellow and fall into the pond, resembling gold falling into the pond, and thus bringing wealth.
he stole a rare copy of the word 'fu' from the emperor, and had people paste it on a slab of rock, then carve it out directly through the paper, thus transferring it to the rock and destroying it in the process. he then burried it in a cave, under some rocks shaped like dragons. since it was burried, there was no way he could view it, and he had no intention of doing so either. he only wanted it because it belonged to the emperor and he believed that it would bring luck.
the rocks were shaped like dragons for a reson, which could only be thought of because he had too much time to waste. the emperor would not be able to remove the slab, as it would mean having to smash the 'dragons', which is bad luck since the emperor is also known as a 'dragon'. by the way, i've seen the rocks and they do not resemble dragons in any way. they just look like 2 screwed up pillars, probably the 'dragon's' neck.
the emperor was aware of all his crimes, but did not punish him because they were gay. the story began when one of his father, the old emperor's wives died. one of the generals, who was also his father's good friends, decided to betroth his sister to the emperor.
his sister was only 13 then, and the emperor felt it was wrong, but could not refuse his friend. so he said he would accept her, but not have sex with her. the little girl then lived in the palace, where she met the then 14 year-old emperor's son. they then fell in love, but he knew that they could not be together since she was his father's wife.
one day, when they were about 20, he woke up early in the morning and rushed over to her house to bring her out to play. she agreed and began to change while he rushed home to change too. with speeds that would break any sprint records, he ran home, changed, and ran back in record timing. he then snuck up behind her and hugged her. thinking that it was one of her servants playing with her, she got pissed (like a fucking petty bitch) and jabbed his head with her hairpin.
she only realised it was him after she turned around and saw him bleeding from the head. he then went off to seek treatment for his busted head, and met his mom on the way. she was mighty pissed off and heard from one of the maids that the girl did it to him. after all, he was the prince, and who ever causes him harm must die. so she ordered the girl to hang herself, since females couldn't be beheaded back in the day.
after gettng his head bandaged, he returned to see his beloved hanging on a tree. he pulled her down and hugged her. with her last breath, she told him that she would be with him in her next life and died. being an intelligent cunt, the prince bit his finger and dripped a drop of blood on her head behind her ears, saying that it would be identification for him to recognise her.
20 years on, his father died, and the prince became the new emperor. he was sleeping when there was a banging on the door, he awoke and allowed the person in. the person brought a letter with 3 feathers, which was of the highest order, and had to be delivered to the emperor at all costs. it said that the unrest in mongolia had subsided. the emperor was happy, but was soon pissed (like a fucking petty bitch) with the guy who woke him from his rest.
so he told the guy to raise up so he could have a good look at him (for what reason, i have no idea. maybe he was vaugely gay). lo and behold. the GUY was a splitting image of the girl that died 20 years ago. he then looked behind his ear and saw a mark, bright as blood, which the guy told him was a birthmark. so the emperor thought, you promised me that you would be back, and although you are a guy, i will still love you. (told you he was gay...)
so, with the emperor's support, the guy/girl quickly rose within the ranks to become a high ranking official. and all his misdeeds were excused by the emperor. one day, the emperor died, and his son took over. everyone else hated the guy/girl except the emperor, so his whole family was ordered to be killed. he recieved a letter, saying that he and his son would not be beheaded. he was happy until he read the end, which said he had to hang himself, just like a girl would.
his son was spared because he was married to the new emperor's daughter or something. the emperor then met him for the last time, and asked him how he would prefer to die. "i want to die of comfort," he said. "fuck off," came the reply, and the emperor ordered him to hang himself.
wow, that was fucking long. goodbye.
china says i am china
today, i recieved a letter from doctor bobby mak, assistant director of pupil placement, school placement & scholarship branch in the corporate services division for permenant secretary of education.
WHOA. imagine what he's gonna say when someone asks him what he works as.
anyway, doctor mak is not a real doctor. doctors do not work as assistant directors of pupil placement, school placement & scholarship branch in the corporate services division for permenant secretary of education.
first of all, this reminds me of the time i spelled truman doctrine as doctorine in some test last year, earning me an entire years' praise from my dear history teacher.
back on topic, doctor mak's letter didn't really interest me since it was telling me something that i already know. no, he wasn't informing me that my hiv test turned out positive. first, he told me my nric number, then, i got posted into ngee ann polytechnic in the business studies course. all things that i already know, and further points numbered 2 to 7. i searched high and low, but number 1 was no where to be found. see, never be first. your friends will hate you and isolate you to the point of suicide.
more tales from china... our tour guide was from beijing, and he was one patriotic man. he is the first person i know that believes that taiwan rightfully belongs to china, taiwanese president 'ah bian' is an idiot, chairman mao was a great leader, communism rules, and so on. he even believes that there are hard facts behind fengshui, which is rather surprising, since it has almost no connection with modern science.
don't be mistaken, he is a great guy. jolly fat guy. he told us interesting tales about the past which i've never learned in school. like how india once sent soldiers onto china territory which it claimed belongs to them. the china government sent a message to the united nations, telling them that they are going to bomb the area, and to get the indians out.
however the stupid indians didn't budge, and so they got bombed to death. "after all, the land was ours, and we can bomb where ever we want to," he said.
chinese emperors like to waste space. their palaces are enormous, with big houses and stuff like that. but they have houses to sleep in, houses to eat in, houses to work in, all of which are spaced far apart. this means that when they wake up, they have to be carried all the way over to their eating house to eat, and then to their working house to do their business, then back over to the eating house for lunch and so on.
which is why they are so damn stupid. if i were an emperor, i would build a big big big house with everything in it, instead of many many big houses with nothing in them. some people may argue that the emperors have to keep up their image with the people, and having a small(er) sized house doesn't really show their power. but the thing is, no one is actually allowed to enter the palace, which is why it's called the forbidden city (duh). so just build a large wall around your house and all the fucking peasants will already be gaping in awe.
chinese emperors were one of the most lazy people in existance. they had generals in charge of everything, which then leaves them with nothing to do. to curb their boredom, they think of all kinds of shit like mystical animals that are supposed to bring luck, like the lion-like animal with no anus, so luck can only go in and not out. or new elaborate ways to bullshit the citizens into believing that they are powerful.
things like making a BIG ceremonial 'place' to worship the gods for a good harvest. and after the worshipping, walk on 3 paths, the middle for the gods, and those on the sides for the emperor and his servants. each path is around 365 metres long to represent the days of a year.
they have an unhealthy obsession with the number 9, and all their major buildings have 9 doors or pillars. the emperor's robe has 8 dragons drawn on it, with the emperor being the 9th one, such that all 9 dragons will unite when the emperor wears it. even the enoumous circular ceremonial altar is made up of 9 rings, with the number of tiles increasing by a multiple of 9 after each ring (9 in first, 18 in second, all the way to 81 in the 9th ring, and all the tiles are of the same size, so it's supposed to be an architectural miracle).
they are so free that they can afford to spend 3 days in a room specially made for sex fucking their new brides whenever they get married. then they get so sick of humping females that they become gay. and when they finally die, create enormous tombs just to hold their rotting corpses and bury treasure with them.
aparrently, there are 13 such treasure-filled tombs in beijing and only 1 has been excavated. the tour guide told us they only excavate when the country needs money, so that they can sell the treasure. he says that each tomb is supposed to have enough treasure to buy a small country, which i suppose is a lot.
i shall stop here, gotta go skate. tell you the story about the gay emperor tomorrow.
china isin't really fun if you're me. too bad i'm me, so china wasn't too fun. i was on a tiny jetstarasia plane, looking at it's wing shaking violently, worrying if it was going to fall out any time soon. it's one of the bad things in life that only you can get yourself into. like getting on a roller coaster, then starting to worry about the shock you're gonna recieve as the car gets closer and closer to the top of the drop. "why?" you ask yourself, "why am i bringing pain to myself?"
then as you zoom down the slope, you wonder if the tracks are actually safe. "what if some psycho decided it would be fun to remove some screws and watch a roller coaster fly?" you think. it's a mess that you chose to get into, something that could be easily avioded. but you chose the other. the other choice that is bringing you trouble.
and i chose to be on the plane. don't tell me planes are safe. they are not. there is really not much chance of survival when you are falling from 20,000 feet in the air, with no parachutes or rocket feet. heck, you don't even need to start flying to die. like the damn crash in taiwan. getting killed in a plane crash isin't really a nice way to die. or worse, get mangled into a mangled mess, screaming in pain, waiting for someone to rescue you. then someone comes by. "that cunt's probably too messed up to save. let's get someone else." they say, and leave you. whoo, i'm imagining too much.
all great things come to an end, and so do the bad. funny was, i haven't been afraid of such things until i discovered that death is (probably) eternal. one life is too little to waste. after 4 plane rides in a week, i can almost safely say that i am no longer afraid. actually not. problems can still arise, just hope they don't happen to me. i hope. more tomorrow.
randomness absolut
"when daylight forms blinding, binding walls, where do we go? the darkness calls."
porphyria cutanea tarda - afi
random quotes from the it show at suntec city.
"i'm feeling gay right now."
- freak to fat fuck
"stop touching my ass."
- fat fuck to freak
"haha. tay ping hui. haha."
- us to us, after seeing him at the sony booth.
"that's disturbing."
- bin to me, after seeing female salesperson wearing red crotch-hugging lycra pants
- fat fuck to bin, referring to female flyer-giver
"go hump the statue and take picture."
- fat fuck to me, referring to black statue of fat woman at suntec
"i got 10 points."
- me to kefli, who we met at suntec
- fat fuck to kefli
"i'm going to molest you."
- guy to female friend, repeated several times
i'm bored
"it's always better on holiday, so much better on holiday. that's why we only work when we need the money."
jacqueline - franz ferdinand
that's why i'm not working now. solved the school problem, and so it's time to wait and see what comes out of it.
i was bored yesterday, so i went online to search for things other people do when they are bored. it seems that bored people do this. since i am a bored person too, i did this.

the one on top is stuffed.
then today, i was bored again, so i decided to mutilate my old vans.

nice big hole.

this whole chunk of shit was removed from the tongue. amazing.

sexy lips.

finished product on the right. couldn't be fucked sewing back the tag cause i'm too lazy.
now both shoes are nice and comfy. the vans' old tongue was too hard and thick, now it's nice and soft. like a baby's ass.
due to my extremely boring life now, there is not much to write about here, so pardon me for a while. i'm going off to china for holiday this saturday and hopefully my life would be more eventful then. won't be back till at least next saturday if i'm not wrong, so don't miss me.
oh damn
"there's a man holding a megaphone, so he must have been the voice of god"
from a balance beam - bright eyes
fuck. i somehow got deluded yesterday into believing that my actual score was 17. but i scored 19. minus 2 from cca, which then makes it 17. i was (somewhat) happy for nothing.
now it's time to get stressed over what school to go to. and then there's the thought of what i'm gonna work as, since it's almost directly related. the fact is, i don't know. i want to get into a jc, but it seems rather impossible with my wonderful score of 17. then there's polytechnic. the thing about poly is that none of the courses interest me even the slightest bit. not even a lil'.
i'd rather spend my life doing things that i enjoy, instead of going to school from 4 years old, all the way into my 20s, and then work till i'm 65 when i'll be too damn old and cranky to do anything else. then i have to sit at home and count the days till i die.
but now, the main problem is jc or poly, jc or poly. and then what course to take, what course to take. fuck, i would gladly retake my o'levels, if only i could do it immediately, without having to wait till june, and then wait again till august for the results. and hopefully i won't end up with 19 points again.