chelsea 3 - manchester united 0
some things piss me off greatly. i shall discuss these issues.
1. chelsea won the fucking title. against manchester united. throughout the entire lifespan of this blog, i have not discussed any football before. so maybe you wouldn't know, but i'm a manchester united supporter. and they won the fucking title against us. hooray.
2. people who say 'whatever'. seriously, everytime i hear someone say that, i want to dismember them and feed their eyeballs to dogs. by 'whatever', i mean those motherfucking cunts who say 'oh ya whatever' when they are losing an argument and realise they have no where to hide, and so say 'whatever' to pretend they don't care about the argument anyway.
come on pussy. if you don't care about it, there wouldn't be an argument in the first place.
and don't say 'whatever' when a FACT is presented to you.
like if you say 1 inch = 2.512345 cm, and someone tells you that it's 2.54 cm.
you can't say 'oh whatever' BECAUSE YOU ARE WRONG MOTHERFUCKER. WRONG.
3. if you ask someone for a favour, it is the person's choice to either grant you the favour to reject you. IT'S HIS CHOICE.
you don't call someone a 'selfish cunt' for not lending you $20,000, BECAUSE IT'S HIS CHOICE WHETHER TO LEND YOU OR NOT, FUCKER.
i think it's really fucking irritating when someone asks you in a real nice tone to lend him $20,000, and then immediately change into a growl and scold you for not lending.
ITS HIS CHOICE, CUNT. YOU FUCKING IDIOT, he doesn't HAVE to do it. if he does, just be glad and thank him. if he doesn't, be sad and still thank him, because you ASKED him, not ORDERED him.
it's basic manners and respect. let a dog fuck your ass if you don't know that.
thank you.
now playing
haligh, haligh, a lie, haligh - bright eyes
"The Fragile keep secrets, gathered in pockets, and they will sell them for nothing, a cheap watch or locket, that kind of gold washes off
The Sad act like lepers, they stick to the shadows and long to ring bells of warning to tell of their coming, so that the pure can shut their doors.
The Angry are animals, senseless and savage. they act without order in logical lapses, they stain their mouths with blood.
The Wicked are vultures, they bake in the canyons. they circle in sunlight and wait for their victims to collapse and call to them.
The Desperate are water. they will run down forever and soak into silence to just end up together in some dark and distant place."
now playing
sweet marie - the anniversary
"ouch," i said
i bit my lip twice while eating a burger and it was real fun. now i have 3 pretty ulcers in a nice triangular formation. they bring unnecessary pain to me.
it makes my lips red, which is bad because people may think i'm gay and use lipstick.
ulcer is bad, so i've been trying to destroy them.
my favourite method is to brush them with a toothbrush. i did it and it made me cry in pain. the next day, they were still there.
so i tried putting some salt on them. "salt for your wounds," they say. the pain made me paralysed from lip down. "ouch," i said. that shit hurts.
alcohol kills bacteria, or so i've heard. i dipped my lip into some jack daniels. but the alcohol fumes made me dizzy and i was worried i would fall and smash my head, so i stopped.
"damn," i thought. nothing works for these fuckers.
and i went to salt them again.
now playing
lover i don't have to love - bright eyes
which do you think is more punk?


"common punk ethics include taking direct action for political change..."
i think the handsome guy in glasses is more punk than any of you can ever dream of being.
he sticks to his ideas and carries them out, even though most people disagree and even if it means going to jail.
i used to think he was stupid, but it seems that he has his own reasons for doing what he does.
"as citizens of the country, we do not give "feedback". we have the right to tell the government what we want or don't want as public policy. we have the right not to be intimidated or threatened." - handsome punk
that handsome punk is chee soon juan by the way.
i was watching the lee kuan yew debate thing not too long ago, and he said that "no government will help its oposition gain popularity."
of course that is true, but since the PAP is already dominating everyone else, why don't they help the PEOPLE instead? after all, they're the PEOPLE'S action party.
maybe it wouldn't be best for them, but it would be good for the PEOPLE. because we are quite dumb, we need someone else to look after us.
the government raise taxes and bus fares and whatever else and we start crying boohoohoo, and then we vote for them again.
maybe it would be better to vote more for the opposition just for fun, and then they'll be more considerate towards the PEOPLE in the future.
V said, "people should not be afraid of their governments. governments should be afraid of their people."
the people recieve some money just before elections and they are very happy. they do not realise that this money will soon be gone because of price increases.
the people do not want tax increases, expensive bus fares, petrol, water, electricity, beer, cigerattes, etc. the people do not want it, and yet do not do anything about it.
- we are stupid.
- chee soon juan is punk.
- the people's action party should help the PEOPLE.
now playing
sweet marie - the anniversary
hot chick of the year

who could disagree?
now playing
your neck - alkaline trio
smoke my cock
and so the story goes, everyone hates me and no one wants to think of a response for my sister.
so you probably don't care/are too lazy/don't wanna win in case you get to fuck me/whatever.
and poor me was hoping you cunts would be kind enough to help.
school is starting tomorrow so it's more fun and excitement for the whole family.
oh yes, i love it.
now playing
new dawn fades - joy division
ii m ur father
sis: cus i happie... who e heck r euu anyway?
and so the story goes, my sister is still typing with 2 'i's and some scary stuff like 'euu' and erm... 'nn'. strangely, she didn't do the 'double-i' trick in her reply.
i was secretly watching her blog last night and it made me giggle when she had to think a few seconds for every word, and then backspace to spell words in 'cool' fashion (or should i say 'the way that makes her happie') when she accidently spelt them right.
today (backspace) 'e' very (backspace) 'ii' sian (back back) 'i'.
so much trouble just to change 'today very sian' into 'todae verii siian'. how intelligent.
anyway, help me think of a wonderful reply/insult/whatever for me, because i have no time since i gotta go for councelling and stuff.
the best response wins a kiss/fuck/whatever from me. if you think i'm disgusting, you can choose not to collect the prize.
so just post your most witty/retarded/whatever ideas in there, and who knows, you may even GET TO KISS ME!!!!111
now playing
queen of pain - alkaline trio
5 things you wished you didn't know
1. i was sitting on an open window the other day when my maid saw me. she asked me to come down but i told her i wanted to die and she told my mother. now i have to go for councelling.
2. my girlfriend dumped me for another guy and i found myself a better, hotter girl. i am eternally thankful.
3. my mother just told me she was considering an abortion when she found out she was pregnant with ME, and only backed out at the last minute. so i'm like supposed to be dead now.
4. the reason she wanted an abortion was because she was having twins, and was afraid she wouldn't be able to raise us both. in the end, she put my older brother up for adoption and haven't heard from him since. so if you see someone who looks just like me, you know who it is.
5. i like to watch gay pr0n, although i am not gay.
now playing
fancy - yeah yeah yeah's
anything to keep me breathing
you know, most (I SAID MOST) girls are such whiny creatures because guys (NOT ME) allow them to be.
it's like when you deny a child something, and he starts crying and crying and crying until you finally give in for a moment of peace. and then he wants something else and the cycle starts all over.
girls are the same, except you have to exchange 'child' with (MOST) 'girls' and 'crying' with 'whining'.
when dealing with a child, a smart parent will slap him across his face once he shows the slightest signs of crying, and then slap him again for actually crying.
however, dealing with girls is a slightly more troublesome affair, considering they can lodge a police report against you if you slap them (I DIDN'T SAY YOU SHOULD SLAP THEM).
so instead, we should just ignore them when they whine and soon soon soon they would learn that it's useless because us guys have hearts of steel and are 100% cold-blooded and would never give in to their shit.
so guys, please do this and together, we can make the world a better place.
and before you call me a sexist, girls can do the same to guys too, except they can take it a step up and SLAP THE FUCK OUT OF THEM. after all, if they are male and whine, they deserve to die.
now playing
your stories my alibis - matchbook romance
my sister started typiing liike thiis for some fuckingly unknown reason. so she is retarded after all. and i thought maybe maybe there was some hope left in her.
c: hey don't type words with 2 'i's cos it's NOT cool. nice blog btw.
sis: who is c?
sis: ii liik wriitiing tiis way nort because iits COOL but iis because ii liik iit can...
c: whiie euu liik iit if it's not cool?
fuck me. i even bothered to lie to her that she has a nice blog. she is probably 1 step away from turning into a full-blown retard.
now let's patiently await her reply.
now playing
hope you're happy - dashboard confessional
todae miie no tym
so my sister has a blog and i'm glad to say she's not one of those spastic cunts wHo TyPe LiKe ThIs CoS iT's LiKe SoOo CoOl YoU kNoW, yEaH YeAh YeAh?
she only does weird shit like 'todae' and 'tym' (time) and 'miie', which is 'me', in case you were wondering.
hopefully hopefully she can learn like better english from blogging, since she used to spell 'one' as 'want'...
and i'm not gonna tell you her blog address.
you know i love euu
and so i found out that some people actually had to change classes this semester, therefore it is in utmost regret that i extend this apology to that SOMEONE who i thought told me something untrue.
i am sorry, SOMEONE.
anyway i was reading 8 days yesterday and they did interviews with some actresses about their love lives and shit.
i realised that most of them are very calculative and mechanical in their choices of partners and such related stuff. it's as though love has turned into an exercise rather than an activity.
there is a difference bet-ween the two.
normal people have sex because they enjoy it, and it is an activity. if some idiot says he fucks to make babies, then there is something wrong with him because he doesn't like doing it per se, but rather for the related effects. and thus it becomes an exercise.
and so it seems that adults feel that love is an exercise where everything must be calculated to perfection rather than to simply allow it to develop. somehow this seems to make it less fun.
"oh i can't go out with him because he drinks too much/ is not rich enough/ is not serious enough/ doesn't have a big dick, etc."
they like someone for his attributes rather than him as a person, like selecting a character in a computer game.
they want to find that guy to marry and make babies, rather than just to have fun and enjoy life together. it's weird, i think.
maybe i'm just too innocent and i'll grow up to be like that too...
now playing
morningstar - afi
i checked back into the same blogs 5 times in half an hour hoping that they would get updated by some miracle.
i stay up every night with nothing to do which causes my mind to wander towards the thoughts of death and old age.
those things scare me badly and i am unable to make any progess fighting my fears even after 5 years of struggle.
maybe i'm supposed to accept it and not fight it but it sure as hell ain't easy although i can't change anything anyway.
i think i'm the only person among everyone i know who is afraid of death and i wonder why no one else feels this way.
i am hesitant about asking others for their thoughts as it may give rise to their own fears of death and i do not want to be the cause of it.
please let me know if you feel the same or if i'm just being weird worrying about something i can't control.
now playing
this time imperfect - afi
somebody told me
some time ago, SOMEONE told me under no uncertain terms that our classes were going to change at the end of the semester.
this then caused me much distress as i was not too excited about splitting with my classmates after finally getting to know them better. besides that, i also told others about the change of class.
not too long ago, i checked my timetable for next semester and found out that the classes remain the same. instead of feeling happy, i was disappointed.
i finally came to terms with the change and was more or less looking forward to it. and now there is no more change, i'm gonna be looking at the same people for another year.
i felt a sense of loss and disappointment, and got suicidal. this caused me to cut my thigh, which i had attributed to poltergeist activity in a previous post.
so i would like to thank this SOMEONE for so helpfully providing me with the wrong information, and for causing me much mental distress.
oh, and thanks for allowing me to tell everyone else about the 'change'. it makes me seem so intelligent.
now playing
burn it down - a7x
"i love you and would do anything for you."
"i love you too."
"those flowers are so pretty."
"yes they are."
"will you pick some for me?"
"you siao ah? want me to die isit? i'm not spiderman ok? later i fall down from the tree how?"
sometimes you gotta be realistic, even if you're in love.
so i was listening to haligh, haligh, a lie, haligh by bright eyes a few moments ago, and i realised that i feel sad every time i listen to that song.
and then i wonder why no one else seem to feel the same. most people just think it's an 'alright song', while i think it's one of the best ever.
AND THEN, i realised that people forge their own meanings to the different things around them, and the meaning i attached to that song is much different from what someone else does.
and so the effect generated is different, and thus, no one else feels sad except me.
besides, i think the best love songs ever made were by bright eyes, which also includes lover i don't have to love and the calendar hung itself.
and you cunts are not gonna think the same way as me.
now playing
the calendar hung itself - bright eyes
beer is bad
so i'm not gonna pay anyone for sex, and i'm not gonna be treating anyone to movies or any other random nonsense.
because i quit the job. after 1 day. because it's such a cool and exciting job and i couldn't keep up with the stress.
anyway i earned $70 for 13.5 hours. so much fun.
beer is bad.
now playing
unholy confessions - a7x
my life is gone
"hey you need money for next week?" my mother asked me. i said no. i don't need money because i'm a recluse who doesn't go out.
and since i don't need money, i have no idea why i agreed to work next week. 7 days, 11 hours a day, $5 per hour. my life is gone. I AM WORKING!
and then i realised that i only have 1 more week of holidays left after working. which is really fucking fantastic.
anyway i would have like $400 with no use for, so you all can try asking me out for movies or dinner or anything. maybe if i like you enough i would give you a treat, you know?
if you're really sexy i may even pay you for sex, which is really a good deal.
i would be working somewhere in imm, so you can try to find me and ease some boredom.
if you have nothing to do and feel bored because you miss me, go watch amelie. i think it's really good. and the girl is so absolutely cute.
actually i made a deal with myself that i wouldn't work for as long as possible, or at least until i need the money, because "it's always better on holiday," as franz ferdinand says.
i didn't realise the significance of accepting the job until the next day, when it struct me that I'M WORKING! i accepted without knowing what i would be selling or even that i would be selling something. so much fun.
it's kinda like putting a baby into the microwave and then realising that you killed someone only when it's too late. then you think "I KILLED SOMEONE!" and smile to yourself.
i can't make sense of what i'm saying but there IS a meaning in there. go figure it out.
the ministry owns you
when i was in secondary 2, my biology teacher told us that the fourth state of matter is plasma. plasma, according to him, were things like bodily fluids, such as blood, tears and such.
now most of you should know that blood plasma is slightly different from plasma.
so from then on, i realised that teachers are not always right. teachers do not know everything. teachers can, and often make mistakes.
however, many of my classmates seem to think otherwise. they live by the rule of "teacher said so." teachers represent the ultimate and absolute truth to them. teachers are infallible. TEACHER IS GOD.
which pisses me off greatly because sometimes i know that something is wrong but no one believes me because "teacher didn't say so."
one day i'm gonna be a teacher and tell my students that earth is in the center of the universe and everything revolves around earth and the sun is a spaceship containing aliens that want to take over the earth.
if anyone dares to say otherwise, i will bitchslap him and tell him "TEACHER IS ALWAYS RIGHT."
long fingernails are good. my fingernail has been growing for 6 months now. it is 15mm long. it doesn't make me gay.

green tea is good for health. it makes your balls bigger and your dick harder. if you happen to be female, then green tea is useless for you.

china is good. i miss china.
ima terrorister
at the changi airport arrival gate, only the bags of suspicious people get scanned. i saw an indian man getting checked and a white man with dreadlocks getting checked.
and then we got checked, not because we were indian or had dreadlocks, but because we had many many bags.
so if you want to be a terrorist/smuggle things in, take the necessary precautions and not have dreadlocks or be indian, or carry many many bags.
do this and chances are, that gun in your bag would not be discovered.
in other news, i've discovered my emo side.
actually i have no idea where those came from. i was sitting at the computer looking at pr0n when i looked down at my thigh and saw all that scratches.
people are gonna read this wrongly and think i cut myself because i'm emu, because they have eye problems and can't read properly, because it's not their fault, so i'm typing this to confuse them, cos im cool.
i am the one
once upon a time, a wise man created a program to help him figure out the meaning of life. he named his creation earth.
earth had many tiny occupants, from which he hoped to get the answer. he gave them emotion, religion, friends and enemies. there was life and death, destruction and creation.
he let the program run and waited. some occupants came close. there was one named jesus of nazareth and another called siddhartha gautama, later to be known as jesus christ and buddha. but they didn't get it.
there were many others, some greater, some lesser, but none managed to get it right. the wise man was perplexed. after all, his creation was perfect.
it contained the extremes of every part of life, designed to stimulate every possible feeling and thought which may lead to the answer. the answer that was the reason to his existance, the meaning of his life, of all life.
now playing
santeria - sublime
because i'm so bored and i don't want to sleep despite it being 2:44 in the morning and because my pr0n is downloading sooo slowly, i'm gonna tell you more about china.
- some young china man sitting in front of me in the plane told his friend that the white lights from the ground were stars
- the same young china man tried to steal a coffee cup from the plane and got busted by the stewardes
- drivers in shanghai like to honk their horns even when they're not horny
- drivers in shanghai (mostly) have no manners because they like to honk their horns
- for example, our hotel is located in a small road, which is really small
- some cunt drives into the road and starts honking his ass off at the pedestrians and cyclists and other random people, while maintaining a steady speed of around 50kmph. "i'm not slowing down so fuck off if you don't wanna die."
- we flagged down a taxi in the small road and a cyclist with 1 eye and a hearing aid starts shouting at us even before we board
- some saleswoman at the jade factory told this woman in our tour group that the jade necklace and her had a lot of fate and that she should buy it. she refused and the saleswoman then took the necklace to the woman's husband and told him that he had fate with the necklace
- a seriously drunk guy got into the lift with us and stood beside me and i was worried he was going to puke on me. he got off at the same floor as us and stumbled off and started banging on a door. good thing was, my mother couldn't tell he was drunk, so there is no chance she is going to realise it when i get home like that
- china has a lot of hot chicks
- chinese guys are tall
- the people there are full of shit. they all claim that the girls from suzhou are beautiful because they speak gently and have good skin. they don't realise girls can speak gently and have good skin and still be ugly
- but there are still many hot chicks in other places
i'm back. i went on holiday. genting and china. i bought a grand total of zero things for myself, so don't expect anything from me.
being on holiday is like living in segregation from the rest of the world. the whole week i was in china, i read zero news papers and watched zero news programs on tv.
i didn't know the latest football scores, or any news for that matter. i think i wouldn't have known even if singapore was bombed or a third world war started.
and now there is a lot of catching up to do. blogs, news, gossip, football, skating.
but it's not easy to fill myself in with all the happenings, so i'm lagging behind by 2 weeks. goody.